You want your pain to stop. Our natural approach of chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage may help. But first, we need to identify the problem.
Once we know what the cause, we’ll consider every natural, drug free option that might help you get relief and start living a pain free life.
No Referral Necessary Just Call 301.777.3710
There is no need to suffer any longer. We offer many pain relief options that can get you back to feeling like you again without drugs! Too many people in western Maryland have accepted a long-term or short-term recommendation of opioid or NSAID pain relievers. Too many have suffered unpleasant side effects, incomplete resolution of pain, a need for increased dosages over time, or even dependence on those drugs.

We have already done the research. We have located the best methods of enabling your body to regenerate itself so you can return to a pain-free life.
Our techniques can improve health problems like these:
- Neck pain
- Knee pain
- Shoulder pain
- Hip pain
- Elbow pain
- Arthritis
- Sciatica
- Headaches or migraines
- Spinal Correction
- Joint pain
- Back pain
For more information about how the chiropractors at Accent on Health can help you live a happy, pain-free life, contact us today 301.777.3710

If you are covered by Maryland Physicians Care your treatment will be covered at 100% with no out of pocket cost to you and we’ll get the authorization for you. So don’t wait, call us today! 301.777.3710